Category: Culinary Programs

Cooking for the Family has a new hub in Cincy!

We couldn’t be more excited that our Cooking for the Family program found a hub at one of the organizations we truly admire, LaSoupe. Their compassion, drive, ingenuity, and desire to bridge the gap between food waste and hunger are changing this world for the better, and we are so grateful to have our program on their robust list of culinary education offerings and utilize food that would otherwise go into waste streams.

LaToya Bridgeman, Mona Bronson-Fuqua, Jamie Stoneham, Leigh Gorman

Cooking for the Family Goes Virtual this Summer and In-person in August!

Through a grant with HealthSource of Ohio, Cooking for the Family had their first virtual pilot program this past June and will have another one in September. Big thanks to Mona Bronson-Fuqua, one of the great chef instructors of Cooking for the Family, who adapted and virtually taught the program to meet the demands and needs of this current time.… Read more →